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Asking and accepting help is a sign of strength

The Empowered Parent

Accepting and asking for help is

We live in a world where we can get help and support for nearly anything we want.

I mean we can get McDonalds and Starbucks DELIVERED to our doors if we so want!

However I speak to so many parents who feel they don't have the right to ask for support either from friends and family or professionally.

I have said it once, and I will never stop reminding people that yes it does take a village to raise a child, however everyone's village looks different;.

For some it's their bestie who had a baby at the same time, and a PT to help feel more energised.

For some it's their parents, partner and a cleaner to help around the house, as having a tidy and organised house makes them feel less overwhelmed.

For some it's a doula, lactation consultant and a sleep coach, as they don't have many friends with babies and need specific professional guidance on Post-partum challenges

For me it was my husband, my parents, my besties with children of the same age and older, my sleep consultant and the local breastfeeding group and buggy walking group I went to (with very little sleep)!

We would love to say we can do it all, but in reality after having a baby it's just not possible - and THAT'S OK!

I'd love to know who your village is?

Lynsey x



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