I see this and similar comments frequently, and I 💯 understand, as I felt the exact same.
Getting my baby to sleep was my job, no matter how hard it became, however I soon realised that trying to do this on very little sleep, and getting little time to think on my own was proving hopeless.
I was due to go back to work and I couldn’t see how it was possible.
When I finally got expert help from a wonderful sleep consultant I kept it a secret from my family and most friends.
Honestly I’m not sure, because when she changed my life, and I don’t say that lightly, I should have been proud to say I asked for help.
My sleep consultant was part of my village.
In the same way my breastfeeding support group was, and my pelvic floor physio was, and my mum friends in the buggy walking group.
Remember everyone has a different village and there is no shame in wanting and using help to get more sleep for you and your family.
If you would like to find out how I can work and support any sleep issues, please comment, DM or email through the link on my bio to book a 15 minute discovery call 📱
Thanks, Lynsey x
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