Some musings I wanted to share.....
We anticipate the next stage with trepidation, Our heads filled with 'What Ifs?' or 'How will I manage..X,Y,Z....!
When in the thick of it, we are tested, challenged and pushed, often thinking 'Can I do this?' A quick cry in the shower, some deep breathing, a moment too long in the toilet.... before putting the armour on again and finding your patience, resilience, and energy once again.
Then one day things feel easier, and the light reappears, a sense of relief washes over us, and you realise you've done it once again. You've got through a challenge, a hurdle that seemed impossible only weeks before. You can feel more present once again.
Parenthood throws us SO many balls to juggle. Some are like glass, and we have to take more care, thought and time, whilst others feel more durable, manageable and don't require as much energy or thought, i.e. managing your child's tantrums vs deciding what's for dinner AGAIN!
Trust that you are always stronger than you realise, and that vulnerability around those you love, respect and trust is a sign of strength.
Thanks, Lynsey
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