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The fourth trimester

The Empowered Parent

The fourth trimester - don't fight it!

In those first few months of parenthood, it can take time to get on board with the fact that someone very little is calling a lot, if not all the shots now.

Leaving the house is dictated by poonami's, an extra feed, a change of clothes.....

You go from having control over the way your life runs, at the speed you like, to having to bring everything down a level or 5!

Looking back I wished I had embraced this fact a lot earlier on, and wanted to share in case you are in this place at the moment.

Embrace this period to adapt and to give yourself the time and grace you deserve as new parents.

Normalise babies needing to be close to their parents 99% of the day, baby wearing, cluster feeds, inconsistent naps and sleep, evening milk parties (babies can't yet differentiate night and day).

How did you feel about the fourth trimester?

Lynsey x

#4 monthsleepregression #readyforchange



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